1. Rumination & Hallucination - Part 2: Craving for Belonging

    This article is the second of the same title. It begins by exploring the whirlpool of sensual cravings and clinging experienced in social media interactions. The discussion expands beyond online behavior, emphasizing the need to examine inherent and imitative desires that shape our interactions with the broader world. The article touches on the inherent human tendency to mimic behavior, highlighting the role of cravings in driving obsessive thoughts and mental proliferation.

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  2. Lessons from the Cosmos

    Our contemporary awareness of an environmental ethic is understood to be based on representing a cosmology of the interconnection of all beings. This construct is coincident with the emerging sense of our present view of the phenomenal world and resonant with the insights of Theravada Buddhism (Chapple, 1998).

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  3. To Ask or Not to Ask

    The article discusses the nuanced approach to asking and the considerations surrounding when to initiate a request and when to refrain from doing so. It highlights two contrasting schools of thought: proactive and reactive. It also put forth 4 ways of answering questions by the Buddha and how they in turn can guide our questioning.

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